The main task of Diakont LLC is to constantly improve the quality and competitiveness of products, customer satisfaction, ensure clarity, understanding and correctness in relations with all stakeholders (society, partners, customers, suppliers, employees and owners of the enterprise), continuous improvement of quality management systems and ecology (hereinafter referred to as the management system).
All efforts of the management and personnel of the enterprise are aimed at maximizing the provision and support of customers' confidence in LLC "Diakont" as a manufacturer, supplier and service provider of high quality, as well as to minimize the negative impact on the environment in the production of products and services.
The implementation of the environmental policy is carried out through the development and implementation of the necessary environmental protection measures and taking into account the environmental aspects of the activity, periodically assessed in order to control the level of environmental impact.
The policy in the field of quality and ecology of LLC "Diakont" is based on the following basic principles of the general policy of the enterprise:
The activity of LLC "Diakont" is focused on meeting the specific requirements of customers and defines the following areas:
The management and personnel of Diakont LLC carry out their activities in accordance with the adopted policy, which is the basis for the functioning of the management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015.
The management and staff of Diakont LLC constantly strives to improve the effectiveness of the environmental management system, adjusting policies and goals in accordance with the challenges of the time, applying the results of audits, other internal and external audits, self-assessment, data analysis by management. Based on all of the above, the management determines the tasks of improving the results of the functioning of the environmental management system, develops corrective measures, ensures their implementation and monitors their implementation.
Compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, regulatory and other documents on environmental protection applicable to the environmental aspects of the enterprise;
The company attaches top priority to quality and environmental issues and the provision of the necessary resources to achieve goals and objectives in the field of quality and ecology;
Conducting systematic monitoring of environmental aspects and assessing their impact on the environment;
Development and implementation of measures for the rational use of natural and raw materials, reduction of emissions into the atmosphere, discharges of pollutants with wastewater, minimization and disposal of waste;
Cooperation in the field of environmental protection with interested organizations and the public, open information on the environmental activities of the enterprise;
Responsibility, openness, transparency when making decisions;
Balance between economic, environmental and social interests;
Effective environmental management; strict compliance with the requirements of internal documents of the management system, state standards and other regulatory documents;
Mandatory planning, accounting and control of all types of work at the enterprise, which allows not only to maintain product quality, but also to optimize costs;
Raising the level of environmental culture, the implementation of systematic training of personnel at all levels on the issues of ensuring the environmental safety of production in order to increase the level of consciousness and understanding of personal responsibility for preventing negative impact on the environment;
Involvement of our consumers, suppliers and contractors in the process of improving the results of the environmental activities of the enterprise;
Moral and material incentives for personnel is one of the most significant factors in improving the management system and all areas of the enterprise.
Taking care of the health of employees of the enterprise by increasing the level of safety when organizing work to prevent emergencies, taking preventive measures.
Organizations for the design and manufacture of technological equipment, automatic control systems for nuclear power plant facilities, warranty, post-warranty and service works, construction and installation works that exclude any deviations from the established requirements;
Awareness by each employee of direct participation in the achievement of high final results of the activities of LLC "Diakont";
Ensuring continuous improvement of the system, training employees in the field of quality and vocational training;
Introduction of world and domestic experience in production and services;
Ensuring the effective and efficient functioning of all processes related to the organization's management system, their improvement using progressive technologies and innovations;
Building stable, mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers, formulating high quality requirements for raw materials, materials and work organization by our suppliers.