Completed projects

The company's specialists have manufactured and supplied equipment for nuclear power plants:
Radiation-resistant television monitoring system with a device for extracting foreign objects for power units No. 1-3 of the South-Ukrainian NPP SE NNEGC Energoatom;
Radiation-resistant television monitoring system with a device for extracting foreign objects for power units No. 1-4 of OP "Rovno NPP" SE "NNEGC" Energoatom";
Radiation-resistant television monitoring system with a device for extracting foreign objects and Lighting system OS - 1000M for OP "Zaporizhzhya NPP" SE "NNEGC" Energoatom ";
Spare parts for industrial television systems for the needs of OP "Rivne NPP" SE "NNEGC" Energoatom "
Spare parts for the equipment of the MPS-100 overload video monitoring system for power units No. 1-6 of the Zaporizhzhya NPP SE NNEGC Energoatom;
Industrial television system equipment for SE "Yuzhnoukrainskaya NPP" SE "NAEK" Energoatom ".
Electrical cabinets of the control system of the machine of reloading power units No. 1, 2 of OP "Rovno NPP" SE "NNEGC" Energoatom ";
Electrical cabinets of the control system of the refueling power unit No. 6 of the Zaporizhzhya NPP SE NNEGC Energoatom;
A generalized list of completed projects for the manufacture and supply:
Radiation-resistant television monitoring system with a device for extracting foreign objects;
Spare parts for industrial television systems
Spare parts for equipment of video systems for monitoring nuclear fuel refueling
Industrial television system equipment
Design, manufacture and supply of the control system of the reloading machine
Services for repairs, surveys, preparation of RCTs, maintenance, commissioning:
Inspection of the technical condition of the polar crane approx. 3, 4 OP "Rovno NPP" "NAEK" Energoatom ".
Inspection of overhead cranes of p / p 320/160 / 2x70t at power units No. 1.2 of the Khmelnitsk NPP SE NNEGC Energoatom;
Services for the scheduled maintenance and servicing of the SKGO MP-1000-1U systems of power units No. 1,2,3 for the needs of the South-Ukrainian NPP SE SE NNEGC Energoatom;
Inspection of the technical condition of the refueling machine MPU-V-213 of power units No. 1,2 of the OP "Rovno NPP" "NNEK Energoatom";
Overhaul of the STS-40 video surveillance system for the needs of the South-Ukrainian NPP SE NNEGC Energoatom;
A generalized list of completed projects for the provision of services:
Overhaul of the STS-40 video surveillance system
Inspection of the technical condition of the reloading machine
Services for the maintenance and servicing of enclosure tightness control systems
Inspection of overhead cranes of circular action, p/p 320/160/2x70t